Welcome to Beyondbond, a leading financial solutions provider for the fixed income markets. We specialize in business integration, real-time trading systems, portfolio management, and structured finance. Employing cutting-edge financial analytics and advanced Internet-based technologies, our proprietary products, consulting, and advisory services become mission-critical for customers who trade, manage investments, process transactions and require business continuity. |
Our Focus:
Innovative Mortgage Financial Engineering Tools |
Extensive research on prepayment modeling and default study |
State-of-the-art Monte Carlo simulations for Value at Risk analysis |
Relative value analysis for dynamic hedging strategy |
Real-time Bond Trading & Risk
Management Platform |
Live price quote and trade reverse inquiry |
Real-time pricing calculation and P&L updates |
FIX protocol compliance |
What-if scenario to dynamically measure
risk/return profile |
Customized on-the-fly risk reporting |
Extensive Outsourcing for Fixed Income Analytics |
Extensive business knowledge and support |
Cost-effective on/off-shore arrangements for maximum business results |
Proven track record of delivery |
Distinguished Structured Finance Investment Consulting |
In-depth proprietary market research on various financial sectors |
Solid relationship with local market intelligence both in US and Asia to quickly identify investment opportunities |
Proven investment strategy with proprietary model to provide consistent return/risk performance |