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Welcome to Beyondbond, a leading financial solutions provider for the fixed income markets. We specialize in business integration, real-time trading systems, portfolio management, and structured finance. Employing cutting-edge financial analytics and advanced Internet-based technologies, our proprietary products, consulting, and advisory services become mission-critical for customers who trade, manage investments, process transactions and require business continuity.

Our Focus:
Innovative Mortgage Financial Engineering Tools
Extensive research on prepayment modeling and default study
State-of-the-art Monte Carlo simulations for Value at Risk analysis
Relative value analysis for dynamic hedging strategy

Real-time Bond Trading & Risk Management Platform
Live price quote and trade reverse inquiry
Real-time pricing calculation and P&L updates
FIX protocol compliance
What-if scenario to dynamically measure
risk/return profile
Customized on-the-fly risk reporting

Extensive Outsourcing for Fixed Income Analytics
Extensive business knowledge and support
Cost-effective on/off-shore arrangements for maximum business results
Proven track record of delivery

Distinguished Structured Finance Investment Consulting
In-depth proprietary market research on various financial sectors
Solid relationship with local market intelligence both in US and Asia to quickly identify investment opportunities
Proven investment strategy with proprietary model to provide consistent return/risk performance


The Inauguration Meeting of IAITQM co-founded by Beyondbond has been successfully held at Omaha, Nebraska on June 3, 2012. >>

Beyondbond formed an alliance with EBizPrise, leader of supply chain technology in China to create a PO financing platform. >>

Beyondbond formed an alliance with M&A Leadership group to provide on-site and off-site online trainning class. >>

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